12 Ways to Reboot Your Life and Get a Fresh Start

the New Year isn’t the only fresh start you need to have

Whether it’s the start of the new year, the start of a new month,  the start of a new week, or even a new day we should always look for opportunities to turn the chapter in our book. 

Here are some benefits of starting fresh:

  • Starting fresh has a positive impact on your mood by giving a boost of energy and enthusiasm that may have left you.

  • Starting fresh helps you realize what or who is most important to you and what or who you need to let go.

  • Starting fresh allows you to become clear on what you really want out of life and take action to make it happen.

  • Starting fresh helps you to break bad habits and move into more positive habits.

Starting fresh can take the form of moving to a new place, starting a new job, beginning a new routine, getting healthy, getting fit or even just cleaning out your car, getting your office organized, the list is endless. Every now and again we can find our selves feeling stuck, paralyzed, and lost. That’s when you need to take a massive look at where you are and think about whether or not you like where you are. You don’t have to wait a whole year to have this fresh start. There are so many ways to start fresh throughout the year to help boost your mood, add or remove things that no longer serve you, get super clear on where you want your life to go moving forward, and create better habits for the future. So here are 12 ways you can get a fresh start throughout this year.

Let’s get into it!

Yearly Reset

  1. Create a vision board

    Give yourself a chance to be creative for a change. Whether you want to believe it or not everyone has a bit of creativeness in them. Get all of your dreams out there on a cardboard poster. What are all of the things that you’d like to accomplish this year? How would you like to feel? What’s your word of the year? Have fun with it and start believing that it will come true.

  2. Create your Action Plan

    Let’s be honest, so many of us try to hit the ground running after being stagnant for the last couple of months of the year. How do you expect to be a changed person after that? Instead of burning yourself out over the course of a couple of weeks go slow. Write your annual goals down and then break them ALL.THE.WAY DOWN! See what you can do in a quarter to get you closer to your annual goals. Then look at your month to see how you can realistically go at these goals. Little steps are the best steps especially if you are beginning all over again. Increase as those little steps get easier for you. For example, instead of trying to go live on social media M-F at a specific time when you never even opened up the live feature, will just make you inconsistent over time. Go live once a month for the next month, then once a week. Take your time and watch the consistency show little by little until it’s no longer a gut-wrenching task!

  3. Get your mind right

    Take time out to really get clear on who you want to be and what you want to accomplish this year. Listen if you’ve been dealing with depression or burnout take it slow. Get inspired by listening to podcasts, reading a book, getting a mindset course, and taking your time really diving into everything. Write out who you want to be and envision yourself being the next version of yourself. Stop feeling like you have to have it all figured out in a couple of weeks and just work toward that next version one day at a time. Think about it, if you worked on that habit once a day where would you be in a year.

Monthly Reset

  1. Reflect on your month 

    Reflecting over the previous month is not only a great way to see your progress but it is also an act of self-development. By Checking with yourself every month you can audit your life and make sure you are on the right path. Write it out and ask yourself how your energy and your mood were for the month. What challenges did you come into contact with? How did you respond? How could you have responded better? Also look at what and who made you smile, laugh, cry, angry. Audit your month like you audit your social media engagement!

  2. Clear clutter

    If you’ve been putting off that junk drawer in your home or on your tech devices why not take a day at the end of the month to declutter the messy parts of your home, tech, or car. Toss anything that is no longer needed and put other items in their rightful place. This also applies to people also!

  3. Set Goals and write them down

    Look at what you’ve accomplished over the past month, what did you do right, what could you have done better, what are some tasks that you didn’t get to. This isn’t the time to down yourself. Reflect and set realistic goals and break them down into tasks that you can do in the next month over the course of the weeks and days ahead. Add your important events and tasks on your calendar first and plan your life and biz around them.

How to reset your life for a better year.

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Weekly Reset

  1. Reflect and celebrate your wins

    It’s so easy to get caught up in what you didn’t accomplish. On this day put the focus on what you did accomplish. Celebrate the small tasks you’ve completed and write them down. The more you do this the more you realize that those small steps lead to big results!

  2. Get prepared

    If you have a 9-5 getting prepared is essential to making the best out of the “Monday blues.” Get out your work clothes, add your essentials to your business bag, prep food for lunch, and get your workout outfit laid out ready to hit the floor running.

  3. Pamper yourself

    Self-care is so important. Basic daily self-care like taking a shower, brushing your teeth, washing your face each day is important but if you’ve ever had depression you will know that can be quite challenging. Take a day to really practice self-care. It can really reset your mood and make you feel so much better. Other self-care ideas are taking bubble baths, using a face mask, painting your nails, doing yoga, or even meditating. Treat your body with love, it does so much for you!

Daily Reset

  1. Clean up your mess

    Take at least 10-15 minutes in each of your rooms around your house to tidy up and put items back in place. This makes the end of the week tidying up less of a chore. Turn on some music, podcast, or an audible book and get to moving.

  2. Have a night routine

    It’s time to settle down from a long day but you can’t do that on TikTok! It’s so easy to do it but it really does overstumilate your mind instead of winding you down. Put your phone away and grab a book or journal. This is the time to settle your mind. Write out anything you still have on your mind by brain dumping everything out. This is not the time to find solutions, simply get it out of your mind. Read a book for self-improvement if you want to stay inspired throughout the night. You can also read a fictional book just to escape the realities of the world just for a moment. Get some tea and find your favorite spot to start de-stressing. 

  3. Make your mornings easier

    Put out your essentials to make mornings easier like your coffee mug and k-cup. Have a bottle of water waiting by the nightstand to grab as soon as you wake up. Have your phone on the other side of the room so you have to get up. Have your devotional or fave book waiting at your favorite morning spot. These tiny tasks make sticking to a morning routine so much easier. 

Final Recap

Listen, you don’t have to feel shame if you’ve already fail off after a couple of weeks trying to start something new. Instead, look at this as a sign to start fresh. Turn the page and begin again or start over. Every year, every month, every week, every day is a new day to start fresh.

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12 ways to reboot your life and get a fresh start