Purple Style Stock Photos for Women Entrepreneurs
She Bold Stock proudly introduces you to the Lavender Sunshine Collection for all of my purple lovers out there.
“The color purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition. Purple also represents meanings of wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence , and magic”
If you are in the process of finding the best colors for your brand, give purple hues a shot! This collection has 25 perfectly designed images that gives off a girlboss vibe with a powerful edge! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT CHOOSING COLORS FOR YOUR BRAND.
The collection features horizontal and vertical images for any of your social media needs. I added in rose gold accents, marble backgrounds, and delicate yellow flowers to pull off images a brand that is not only stunning but represents your brand in a powerful new way.
Wondering how you can mix and match with other stock photo collections in the membership? Check out this 9-tile insta-grid below.I used several different collections from the library to style this grid including one of the graphics in the latest collection! CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE PURPLE STOCK PHOTOS!
Imagine what your IG would look like?
Select from over a thousand images to find your perfect style!
If you've been searching for rare photos never before seen to completely transform your site this cohesively planned collection will work wonders for you! Check out the sneak peek!
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Join the exclusive members only style stock membership for instant access to more than 1,500 images, social media templates, and graphics now!