Pink Stock Photos for Service Based Entrepreneurs
“Choosing your Core brand color is easy if you know what your trying to communicate“
Once you find your top brand personality traits, it’s time to find that one color that best embodies those traits. This is where color psychology comes into play.
Pink is associated with femininity. It identifies with being affectionate, romantic, nurturing, delicate, and youthful. If you want to evoke a more femininity into your brand, pink is the perfect core color for you!
How to add Pink Stock photos into your brand
People buy from places that they recognize the most. The easiest way to build brand recognition is to apply your brand color consistently across all platforms and marketing materials.
Places to add your brand color:
Social media graphics
infographics and Pinterest graphics
Pink is a hue that shows off how playful yet compassionate a brand is. However, with certain shades it can be looked at as immature if your ideal audience is older in age depending on the type of color you choose. If you choose to use pink as your core brand color think of the 60-30-10 rule which suggests that only 10% of any design should be your dominant color.
This is a great rule (not concrete) when applied to website design and marketing materials. Here’s how it would work:
10% of the design should be your core brand color
30% of the design should be your secondary brand color
60% of your design should be a neutral color
This will keep you branded well while also not misinterpreting your brand.
There is no concrete rule to picking or choosing where to use your colors. Don’t neglect your gut instinct. If you want to use pink, use it how you like too. There is no concrete rules to picking brand colors that you love!
Pink Stock photos to fall in love with…
Check out the many images inside of the membership. The color pink does not need to be intimidating! You can see in the images below how easily you can incorporate this naturally into your feeds, website and marketing materials with just pops of the color.
Client Spotlight: I loved creating these custom branding images for @izzyandliv and @moellabeauty! Two completely different brands with variations of pink as their main brand colors. There are so many different variations of pink that you can go to from vibrant hot pink to sweet pastel pinks. This is how you put your brand color into action.
Resource to help you
Adding your favorite brand color like pink into your visual branding does not have to be hard. Find stock photos that will ignite the action that you want in your brand with these resources.
She Bold Stock Photo Membership: High quality unique images is important to me. Inside the Membership we have over 3,000 unique images to choose from. Plus having social media templates like pinterest graphics that are designed to capture views is what makes this membership worth investing in.
Want to learn more about finding your brand colors? Check out this article where I dive deeper to uncover the meaning behind brand colors and how you can find the color that best fits your brand’s personality.
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