How to DIY your Brand Quickly!
“Are You Tired of racking your brain about how your brand should look.”
Listen creating a brand is important but when you are first starting out, having the perfect brand shouldn’t hold you back from beginning your business. That’s when premade Brand Kits come in handy. Whether you are just starting out or refreshing your brand Brand kits will help you get your creative juices rolling and get your back to doing what you know best. Let’s dive into how Brand Kits can help build your brand.

What we will discuss:
What Needs to happen before you decide on brand kits
3 Signs a Premade Brand kit is for you
Are She Bold Stock Brand Kits for you?
Mindset shifts you need to tackle before making the leap
Let’s begin…
The #1 task to do before you decide on any type of investment for your brand
Before you even think about DIY’ing your Brand, you need to set the foundation for success. This will help you later on down the line when you making bigger branding decisions such as purchasing a stock photo membership, getting a brand photographer for personal images, or even taking the leap to invest in a brand designer, copywriter, or website designer.
Check out the video below to answer the 5 questions to build your foundation. This includes:
Why did you get started?
What are your core values?
What makes you special?
What do you want to be known for?
Who are you trying to serve and what are their pain points?
Remember your brand is going to evolve. The decisions you make now will change as your business grows. But a blueprint has to start somewhere. Build it now.
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3 Signs a Done for You Brand kit is for you
Now that you’ve gotten a better understanding of your brand and what you want to put out into the world. It’s time to decide where a premade Brand Kit is for you.
You are just starting out
I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve DIYed every blog/rebrand I’ve had. It not only helps me learn how I want to stand out but it also helps me understand how my audience interacts with my brand each time. As I worked with more customers, members, and clients I was able to find that happy medium between the style that I love and the reception from my audience. Now I love my brand and have invested in brand photography that fits it!
This goes for you as well. As you continue working with clients, sharing your knowledge, connecting with customers, you’ll learn a lot about how your business actually serves your people and have a clearer idea of who you want to attract.
You are indecisive
Experimentation helps you come to a better conclusion when making branding decisions. A premade brand kit helps you make better decisions in the long haul. So whether you are new to branding, in the process of refreshing, or rebranding your brand experimenting with professional brand kits gives you a clearer vision for what you want.
You just want to Refresh your Brand
So you may be itching to play around with some new fonts or design elements why not use premade kits to help you refresh your brand. Check out this post to decide whether refreshing your brand is a good idea!
Your Time and Money is Limited
I get it time and money is precious. That’s why I create brand kits because when I just started it out I WISHED for something that would make it simpler for me. I had to research like crazy. I had to figure out what a logo should look like, what font pairings would be perfect for my brand, color palette ideas, photo inspiration, and design elements. It was a lot! If I could just have a starting place to begin it would have saved months of going back and forth on one thing!
What are Brand Kits?
Now that I showed your benefits, let’s break down what’s actually included in the brand kit.
Alternative Logo
Submark or Favicon
Font Pairings
Color Palette
Image Selections
Design Elements such as patterns, icons, social media buttons, pin it buttons,
SideBar Elements include About Me Graphics and buttons
Social Media and Lead Magnet Templates
Take a look at how to use a She Bold Stock Brand Kit and make it your own.
Thinking a premade brand kit might work well for your business, Remember this…
Your brand is not the final destination.
Stop thinking your brand will be built once and then it’s done. Your brand needs and will go on a journey before it lands on something that is concrete because your brand is being built with you and your ideal audience in mind. So remember your brand is not set in stone. You can rebrand, take a whole 360, and rebrand again. And as long as you build a solid foundation from the start and manage your brand well, you can allow this to happen strategically and smoothly.
So Trust the process: action Will bring clarity.
Don’t let you feeling stuck paralyze you into not taking action. That feeling is holding many small business owners back from figuring out the best branding for their business. Start with the foundation. Your why, what do you offer, who is it for, how can you put your special spin on it, how do you want it to feel then pick a premade brand kit that mimics the style you are going for. The rest will come naturally.
If you are wanting to try your hand at our brand kits become a SHe Bold Stock Annual Member to get exclusive access to all over them plus lead magnet and social media templates that go along with it.
Article Recap
There you have it, my fellow solopreneurs! You just learned about Brand Kits and…
What Needs to happen before you decide on brand kits
3 Signs a Premade Brand kit is for you
Wondering if She Bold Stock Brand Kits are for you
Plus mindset shifts you need to tackle before making the leap
Ready to put these topics into practice and attract your ideal audience? Here’s a gift to get you started!
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