5 Proven Methods to Get out of a Rut
Mental Health can play a big factor in showing up and being consistent in business.
As we head into the second month of the new year many are faced with falling off of their goals or just now finally figuring out what they want to do. The biggest thing I see among online business owners are staying consistent in their business. One minute they show up like never before the next they go ghost.
This has happened to me a lot over the past year due to increased demand in my work schedule at work and also not facing my stressors head-on when I started to feel it. I would go through this consistency vs inconsistent cycle that left me beating myself up every time. This year I said no more!
Mental Health Matters
While it’s important for us entrepreneurs to take care of our physical health, it’s also crucial for us to maintain good mental health as well. When we neglect our mental health, we end up feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by everything going on in our lives.
We might even start to feel depressed or anxious about things that used to make us happy before we started neglecting ourselves. This may start to affect your love for your business.
That doesn't mean that taking care of your mental health means ignoring all the responsibilities in your life - just like taking care of physical well-being doesn't mean giving up exercise or eating healthy food!
It's about finding a balance between what makes us happy and what makes us productive at work so that we don't get burned out from trying too hard for too long without any time for rest along the way.
So how can you keep yourself mentally healthy when running a business?
How to keep yourself mentally healthy while running a business
Develop a daily routine
This is something that I’m working more on this year. Make it a goal of yours to develop routines. Those routines will turn into habits, good habits btw, that you will no longer have to think about. It will be part of your day without a second thought!
By developing morning, evening, night, even work routines you are telling yourself that YOU come first. YOU have to be able to provide for your family, YOU have work obligations, YOU have a business to show up for. Therefore YOU need to prioritize yourself in order to be the best version of yourself so that your obligations don’t run you but YOU RUN IT!
Routines, in the beginning, will need to be worked on daily and consistently in order for it to become just a part of your new habits. So even when you don’t feel like it or your mood is low, or even if life’s circumstances are getting the best of you, you still have to push through with them.
To start with routines, begin with basic self-care needs. This could be as simple as getting up in the morning and getting a cup of water, washing your face, taking a shower and brushing your teeth. Sometimes when you are facing a lot of stress or depression the basic self-care needs go unbothered. Start there if you found yourself slacking on this. Don’t beat yourself up about it, life happens but you have the choice to push through and get those needs met at least once a day!
2 Day Rule
I heard this on a podcast, where they allow 2 days of a fall and then they MUST get back on it! I love this idea and something I’ve incorporated into my life also. This past couple of days I found myself stressing and not going to sleep at a good time. So I took those 2 days and then the next day I got back on it. I had a self-care day so that I can reset and get back in it. Woah it was a game-changer.
Start monitoring how long it takes for you to get back on track after falling off and see how you can start pulling yourself back on track then once you do incorporate this rule.
2. Exercise
One thing we don’t want to admit to but exercise does a great wonder to your mind, body, and soul. I’ve been walking in the morning for 15 mins and then in the evening after coming back home from work I go straight into a 15 mins walking session on my treadmill. These tiny movements have allowed me to have more energy for the day and night ahead!
So I encourage you to start small like I am. You don’t have to do everything at once, unless that’s your thing. Little incriments like this help you look at exercise as a nice so scary big thing, but a pipsqueak that you can handle!
I’ve also incorporated a 5 mins “lazy girl exercises” in there also to make up my 15 mins too. It gets all my body parts working and I get really jazzed up with it. Even throwing in a mini dance party at 6am haha!
Find exercises that work for you and make you feel good. When you feel up to it and have time you can incorporate a lenghther time but start slow like i am!
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3. Develop easier ways to work smarter
Work smarter and not harder is my motto this year so I’ll be delegating, outsourcing, and batching tasks to make my life, job, and business go way smoother. I love to use my She Bold Stock Monthly Planner to plan out content creation. It has saved up so much time, frustration, and anxiety when creating my content. Finding a day to plan and finding a day to create is such a game-changer. Breaking up those big scare tasks into pipsqueak tasks will help you stop procrastinating and start doing it.
So outsource where you need to. There are services for every budget out there whether you need a content and marketing membership like She Bold Stock in order to create content without doing everything from scratch. Maybe you need a Social media manager or a virtual assistant. You are a CEO in your business it’s time to start acting like it. So build up your team whether it’s a family member, a friend, or a service-based business owner online. Find the people that will take the load off of you.
Delegate those big scare tasks to them so that you can focus on your bigger picture vision for your business. So that you can create that course or masterclass you’ve been dreaming of!
4. Celebrate your every day wins no matter how small
Every day will not always be good, but there is good in every day. I believe that is so true. No matter how bad or stressful a day has been you have found times to laugh, to smile, to find something adorable, or eat something that made your heart swoon. At the end of the day, there are things to be grateful for. Focus on those wins and celebrate them.
I love keeping a planner and writing down tasks. Checking those tasks off my list are tiny wins for the day even if it’s just one thing from the many tasks from the day. If I did it I’m checking it off the list proudly.
Remember that your business, life, or work goals will not be an overnight success. It takes time to enjoy the little wins because the big wins will be meaningless if you don’t see the joy that came from them.
5. Find Time to rest
Lastly, get you some rest, girl. Your body needs adequate rest from all of the daily obligations. So yes get adequate sleep, take naps, watch a movie, get off your phone, read a book, journal. All of these things and more rest the brain and rest the body. Find time to rest so that you can show up for your business, work, and life the next day well-rested and ready to show up as the best version of yourself.
Final Recap
So there you go 5 surefire tips to help you keep yourself mentally healthy when running a business. Check out my IG Live, if you want to hear more ways that I mentally prepare myself to live a happier more sustainable life that keeps me showing up for my business.
Plus Check out the 2 tools I swear by that have been helping me be consistent and productive.
Routinary: Apple and Google play
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