How to Prevent Creative Burnout in your Business
Just imaging completely feeling blank to something you once was passionate about.
Many people think that being creative is an artistic expression but being creative is not a one size fits all. Listen, if you are making decisions and problem solving on a daily basis then guess what you are creative! We all are creative beings.
So whether you are an artis, photographer, writer or more analytical, tech, or even mathematician you are creative. So I’m sure you’ve ran into creative burnout a few times in your life.
What is creative burnout?
Creative burnout is the feeling when you drained all of your creativity and the thought of creating is overwhelming and exhausting.
Why does it happen?
Creative burnout happens for many reasons. From overworking yourself, adding too much on your plate, and saying yes to one too many opportunities. Maybe you are working a 9-5 job or on mom duty 24 hours, this can certainly take a toll on your creative ventures.
Symptoms of creative burnout?
There are symptoms you may feel that could help you capture it before it gets out of hand.
You begin to dread starting works or projects.
You start to procrastinate on the simplest tasks
You feel tired, stressed, and overwhelmed by the thought of doing any type of task or project.
You feel like you won’t be able to create anything ever again.
You find yourself doubting your own abilities and comparing yourself to others.
When you find yourself having any of these symptoms its time to work on the cause.
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How to bounce back from creative burnout
Take a real break
I’m talking about a true break not just a night of no work, a real break! Take a couple days off and do it without feeling guilty. Turn on your autoresponder for emails and let clients and customers know that you will get back in touch in x amount of days. Spend time with family, read, nap, cook a new meal, watch a movie, travel, or may just do nothing at all and sit in it. Sometimes it may be necessary to put everything away and truly give your brain a rest.
Talk to someone
When you are feeling this way talk with someone or others that actually get it. From experience, speaking to your friends and family may not always be the solution. Talk with others in your niche or speak with a therapist. Chat with your team about how you are feeling. Get on IG stories and share how you are feeling. You never know who you may connect with.
Get in new spaces
Sometimes you need to get away, explore new places and events. Go to different events and get in spaces where people understand you and your creativity. If you are always working in a specific space why not change it up, get outside, go to a different coffee shop. Try a new change of scenery.
Create when you are most inspired
It’s going to be inevitable that creative burnout will happen. Instead of letting it freak you out plan ahead. On your most inspired days create, finish your projects, and batch tasks together. When ideas come into your mind write it down so that on the days you are most inspired you can create them.
How can this be prevented
The more you become aware of your symptoms, the better able you are to lessen the effects it may have.
Reflect on how you are feeling, don’t feel guilty about how you are feeling. You are human with real emotions.
Get back into your routines and getting better habits.
Monitor what you are consuming. What have you been looking at lately. Is it inspiring and fostering growth or is it draining.
Take breaaks while you are working and after your finish a big task.
Get rid of comparison by stop watching your competition. Stop looking at people who has similar style are yourself and focus on your creative outlet.
Final Recap
So there you go how to deal with creative burn out and prevent it for the future to help you keep yourself mentally healthy when running a business you love. Check out my IG Live, if you want to hear more ways that I mentally prepare myself to live a happier more sustainable life that keeps me showing up for my business.
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